Showing posts with label Mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mission. Show all posts

Monday 22 July 2013

The Projects of Kenya Mission International

An initial visit to Embu was made by Fr. John from the mission office who met Bishop Paul of the Diocese of Embu earlier this year. Bishop Paul indicated the needs of his people namely to supply safe drinking water to about 600 people in a 2sq. km area including schools and community and the need of a building for children who are orphans. This will house around twenty children initially.

Bishop Paul has bought 2 acres of land which will be used for building this orphanage.

Our team of 35 consists of:

1. Medical Team – three doctors and six paramedics, physiotherapist and nurses - Lead by Dr.Josie Muscat from St.James Hospital

2. Engineering Team – four engineers and two technicians lead by Michael Attard ( and  locally by engineers Marco Cremona and Paul Refalo who are assisting)

3.  Social Team – teachers ,  counselling , university students, workers

4.  Builders

The funds will be used to purchase the required material and to pay local workers which will be employed to build the building.
This will be owned and run by the Catholic Diocese of Embu (Bishop Paul Kariuki Bishop of Embu -  Kariuki Njiru Paul

We are also being assisted by ECOSPACE CONSULTANTS in Nairobi to coordinate the information required on this project and on a water purification plant which will be built by our engineers.

The building will be built by local workers. Also the water purification plant will be built together with local people in order that they participate and take ownership.

The project of the building will be starting during our stay and will be finished in a 2-3 month period.

Our team of engineers will complete the installation and commissioning of the water purification plant during our stay in Embu. The cost for the equipment will be in the range of 10,000€.

We already have an ultra filtration unit which will be used to block any bacteria and pathogens from the water and make it into safe potable water. We also need to install an Ultra Violet unit as a backup system in case of ultra filtration unit failure. Our plan is to have the system running on an off-grid Photo voltaic system for which we have already several promises for equipment donations.

We have also signed an agreement with Malta University for the use of a water desalination unit which developed from research activity sponsored by the Malta Council of Science & Technology

These are passive (no need of energy)  desalination units which can be used in remote areas where there is water which however is not safe for drinking. 

We are building one unit which we will take with us and we plan to teach local people how to build such units. This could develop into a business set up for these units to be sold to local communities in remote regions.

PHOTOS - Arti Fil-Berah 2013

Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi  ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.

Thursday 18 July 2013

An update on the Pasta Night - particularly about the chef and the Menu !

 Let's all of us make an extraordinary effort to reach one hundred guests....we need them not so much because of the money (yes, also) but because we want to make this occasion another excuse to be together and build a deeper relationship among us (MT18:20) which goes beyond the 3 plates we will eat....


FRIDAY, 19th July 2013 at 7.00 pm at Agenzija Zghazagh, Sta Venera, 

At 7 pm there will be a Mass of thanksgiving celebrating the ordination of Fr Colin Apap.

At 8 pm we begin the PASTA's impressive the names on the menu...I hope Martin, the chef, will live up to the expectations.... :-)


Farfalle con Tango Country.
Onion & garlic, mushrooms, bacon, basil, chillies, tomatoes.

Spaghetti Bolognese
Penne,  beef, tomato sauce, garlic, onions, salt & pepper.

Penne Norma
Aubergines, fresh tomato sauce, black olives, and topped with ricotta cheese.

 Brusketta about 4 pieces each, 1 drink and a piece of cake.
For the Price of 10 Euros

Watch Michael cooking during the  Favourite TV Programme BEJNIETNA L-HBIEB with some Kenya volunteer teams ....

Saturday 13 July 2013

ARTI FIL-BERAH - Kenya Mission International Stand

Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi  ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.

Photographs courtesy of Joseph P Pavia
The Only Australian Photographer

X' inhi Kenya Mission International ?

F'Awissu li gej ser nitilghu tim ta' hamsa u tletin (35) voluntiera biex naghmlu diversi progetti f'Embu l-Kenya. Nixtiequ noholqu kuxjenza dwar il-bzonn f'dawn il-pajjizi u kif konkretament nistghu naghmlu xi haga biex intejbu l-kondizzjonijiet ta' dawn in-nies. Il-Grupp jaghmel parti minn Moviment Era Gdida u jissejjah Kenya Mission International ghax  ser jiehdu sehem diversi membri li gejjin minn pajjizi ohra. 

Talabna naghmlu dawn il-progetti l-Isqof Kenyan  Kariuki Njiru Paul ( Isqof ta' Embu, xi saghtejn 'l boghod minn Nairobi. 
l-Isqof Kenyan Rev Kariuki Njiru Paul 

Huwa qed jikkoordinalna x-xoghol li ghandna naghmlu.  Kemm-il darba laqqa' diversi esperti mid-Djocesi tieghu biex ihejjulna x-xoghol biex meta naslu nibdew mal-ewwel. 

Il-Grupp iltaqa' ma' diversi sorijiet, patrijiet u lajci li hadmu fil-Kenya. 

Minkejja r-restrizzjonijiet fil-hin ta' kull voluntier qed niltaqghu kull gimgha biex nibnu tim tajjeb bejnietna u nwettqu x-xoghol b'mod professjonali. 

Kull wiehed u wahda minna qed nerfghu l-piz finanzjarju minn butna biex inhallsu l-flight tickets, akkomodazzjoni, ikel, trasport etc. Flok hadna vaganza ser immorru naghmlu Missjoni. 

It-timijiet huma maqsuma f'diversi hidmiet li jridu jwettqu:

1) Team Mediku (ghandna Tobba, nurses, li jahdmu fl-ITU, cancer wards etc uhud Maltin u ohrajn barranin jahdmu f'Malta)

2) Team ta' Engineers (fosthom Ing. Paul Refalo  B.Eng. (Hons), AMIMechE Assistant Lecturer Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering - University of Malta) - Inginier Michael Attard u  Ing.Marco Cremona (li huwa Idrologista, avventurier u appassjonat li jitla' l-muntanji u l-uniki Malti li tela' Mount Everest!)

3) Team ta' Benneja (li hadmu diga' f'Missjoni l-Albania u n-Nigeria)

4) Team ta' Studenti Universitarji (biex jorganizzaw Summer Schools etc)

5) Team ta' zghazagh (biex jahdmu fi progetti taz-zghazagh li d-Djocesi ta' Embu qed thejjilna)

It-tim diga' kellu esperjenza f'missjoni bhal din fl-Albanija, in-Nigeria u issa l-Kenya. 

Barra dan, l-Isqof Paul qed jitlobna jekk nistghux nghinuh biex jibni binja li fiha jistghu jghixu tfal abbandunati, orfni, li bhalissa qed jghixu kollha flimkien fi klassi! 

Qed norganizzaw diversi fund-raising activities. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

Quddiesa iccelebrata minn Fr Colin

Quddiesa iccelebrata minn Fr Colin
Is- SIbt 13 ta Lulju fis - 7.30 pm  - Bahar ic- Caghaq - Caravan Site wara Splash & Fun