Kenya Mission International would like to thank Mr Matthew Miceli Demajo, General Manager of M Demajo (Wines& Spirits), a member of the M Demajo Group, for donating three boxes of wine, for our fund raising campaign.
Showing posts with label Fund Raising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fund Raising. Show all posts
Friday, 9 August 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Donation of Toys by ESL Gross Market
We would like to thank ESL Gross Market for their generosity for donating the following items to the children of Embu , Kenya |
Saturday, 27 July 2013
PHOTOS - JCC Enterprises Car Wash - Saturday 27 July 2013
These are some photos of the Car Wash at JCC Enterprises. I would like to thank EVERYONE who in some manner contributed to this Event. It was hard work in the scorching sun , but it was WORTH IT !
Kenya Mission International 2013 would like to thank JCC Enterprises for lending us their car washing facilities in support of this fund raising activity. Fr Colin
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
EMBU KENYA PARTY at Victor's Restaurant, MARSAXLOKK @ 7 pm
at Victor's Restaurant, MARSAXLOKK
Time: 7 pm
Price: 12 euro
Full Maltese Menu
Bring your friends too...and a big big smile.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
CAR WASH for Kenya at JCC Enterprises Car Repairing & Service, Car Washing & Valeting
Monday, 22 July 2013
UPDATE - by Fr Colin on the car wash
I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to the Car Wash that was organised yesterday in Qawra. It was another occasion to live and work together as a TEAM.
PHOTOS - Arti Fil-Berah 2013
Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.
Fr Colin,
Fund Raising,
Marsskaala Local Council,
Sunday, 21 July 2013
PHOTOS - Pasta Night for Kenya , Friday 19th July 013
Fund Raising,
Pasta Night,
Saturday, 20 July 2013
CAR WASH - Sunday 21st July Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra - From 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday 21st July
Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
View Larger Map
Fr Colin's update
Yesterday's Mass of Thanksgiving for the Anniversary of my Priesthood, and the Pasta Night was very well-attended, about 100+, and they tell me we collected about 1,500 euros.
Minimum effort, maximum results?
I wished that all the Kenya Mission International Group would have been there. It would have been another occasion to build a family spirit among us (and that's the only, unique value we have to take to Kenya - not work, not projects, but a sense of the family: I am because we are....UBUNTU)
It would be very very useful to send all the activities we do to Michael Caffari <> who is taking care of our website. It is up-to-date, very professional and comes from a very dedicated person who loves God and his fellow men/women!)
This evening I am invited to celebrate Mass at the Caravan people behind the Splash and Fun complex. Those who wish to join me are very welcome not only to relax and be invited by several families who are eager to know more about our Mission in Kenya, but because of the opportunity we have to share our vision of Kenya with as many people as possible.
I appreciate the various initiatives we take. But I appreciate more when we support each other's initiatives. Some take part heart and soul in really impressive time-consuming initiatives. But others? And you? We are one family and we have to present ourselves as one family. But that depend's on what choices we have made.
Fr Colin
Fr Colin,
Fund Raising,
Thursday, 18 July 2013
An update on the Pasta Night - particularly about the chef and the Menu !
Let's all of us make an extraordinary effort to reach one hundred guests....we need them not so much because of the money (yes, also) but because we want to make this occasion another excuse to be together and build a deeper relationship among us (MT18:20) which goes beyond the 3 plates we will eat....
FRIDAY, 19th July 2013 at 7.00 pm at Agenzija Zghazagh, Sta Venera,
At 8 pm we begin the PASTA's impressive the names on the menu...I hope Martin, the chef, will live up to the expectations.... :-)
Farfalle con Tango Country.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Penne Norma
Brusketta about 4 pieces each, 1 drink and a piece of cake.
For the Price of 10 Euros
Watch Michael cooking during the Favourite TV Programme BEJNIETNA L-HBIEB with some Kenya volunteer teams ....
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
My friends wanted to give me a surprise for my Ordination anniversary - a yearly event! But when I came to know about the organization of the fiesta I told them that for this year I prefer if we do everything for KENYA.
So I appreciate that you come not only to thank God for the anniversary of my priesthood (we were 50 priests ordained together for the 50th anniversary of the Bishop, a unique occasion) but also to be together and invite as many friends as possible.
At 7 pm there will be a simple Mass of Thanksgiving and afterwards (around 8 pm) we will begin the PASTA NIGHT SPECIAL with a choice of THREE colourful tasty pastas.....prepared by the inimitable CHEF Martin Fenech (every mother has them, we know)
I appreciate if we can make this occasion a very good fund-raising activity. We still have to fund the activities we will do at Embu, Kenya.
I take this occasion to THANK YOU for all that you do for Kenyan children especially!FRIDAY, 19th July 2013 at 7.00 pm at Agenzija Zghazagh, Sta Venera,
(Main Road, Hamrun, near Centru Hidma Socjali, in front of Umberto Calosso Str., Hamrun)
Fund Raising,
Pasta Night,
Fund Raising for Embu, Kenya - Help us raise funds !
Fund Raising for Embu, Kenya
Help us raise funds to support:
- Building an orphanage dormitory
- Setting up of a water purification plant for disease-free water
- Setting up a solar powered panels for reliable electricity
- Buying school supplies for the new orphanage.
Please make a donation today, every gift really does make a difference.
Deposit your donation
BOV Acc 40021733921
HSBC Acc 042177162001
Contact Fr.Colin Apap: 79991459
Fund Raising,
solar energy,
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Pasta Night - Il- Gimgha 19 ta’Lulju 2013 fis -7.00 pm
Pasta Night
Il- Gimgha 19 ta’Lulju 2013 fis -7.00 pm
Post: Il - Gnien tal- Agenzija Zghazagh , St Joseph High Road, Hamrun
Ghazla ta’ tlett tipi ta’ Pasta
Tista’ tghinna biex tbiegh il-biljetti ta’ l-ikla?
Il Qliegh kollu ser jmur ghall-Kenya.
Contact: Robert Formosa 99895888
Fr Colin on Mob 79991459
Ghazla ta’ tlett tipi ta’ Pasta
Saturday, 13 July 2013
ARTI FIL-BERAH - Kenya Mission International Stand
Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.
Photographs courtesy of Joseph P Pavia
The Only Australian Photographer
X' inhi Kenya Mission International ?
F'Awissu li gej ser nitilghu tim ta' hamsa u tletin (35) voluntiera biex naghmlu diversi progetti f'Embu l-Kenya. Nixtiequ noholqu kuxjenza dwar il-bzonn f'dawn il-pajjizi u kif konkretament nistghu naghmlu xi haga biex intejbu l-kondizzjonijiet ta' dawn in-nies. Il-Grupp jaghmel parti minn Moviment Era Gdida u jissejjah Kenya Mission International ghax ser jiehdu sehem diversi membri li gejjin minn pajjizi ohra.
Talabna naghmlu dawn il-progetti l-Isqof Kenyan Kariuki Njiru Paul ( Isqof ta' Embu, xi saghtejn 'l boghod minn Nairobi.
l-Isqof Kenyan Rev Kariuki Njiru Paul |
Huwa qed jikkoordinalna x-xoghol li ghandna naghmlu. Kemm-il darba laqqa' diversi esperti mid-Djocesi tieghu biex ihejjulna x-xoghol biex meta naslu nibdew mal-ewwel.
Il-Grupp iltaqa' ma' diversi sorijiet, patrijiet u lajci li hadmu fil-Kenya.
Minkejja r-restrizzjonijiet fil-hin ta' kull voluntier qed niltaqghu kull gimgha biex nibnu tim tajjeb bejnietna u nwettqu x-xoghol b'mod professjonali.
Kull wiehed u wahda minna qed nerfghu l-piz finanzjarju minn butna biex inhallsu l-flight tickets, akkomodazzjoni, ikel, trasport etc. Flok hadna vaganza ser immorru naghmlu Missjoni.
It-timijiet huma maqsuma f'diversi hidmiet li jridu jwettqu:
1) Team Mediku (ghandna Tobba, nurses, li jahdmu fl-ITU, cancer wards etc uhud Maltin u ohrajn barranin jahdmu f'Malta)
2) Team ta' Engineers (fosthom Ing. Paul Refalo B.Eng. (Hons), AMIMechE Assistant Lecturer Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering - University of Malta) - Inginier Michael Attard u Ing.Marco Cremona (li huwa Idrologista, avventurier u appassjonat li jitla' l-muntanji u l-uniki Malti li tela' Mount Everest!)
3) Team ta' Benneja (li hadmu diga' f'Missjoni l-Albania u n-Nigeria)
4) Team ta' Studenti Universitarji (biex jorganizzaw Summer Schools etc)
5) Team ta' zghazagh (biex jahdmu fi progetti taz-zghazagh li d-Djocesi ta' Embu qed thejjilna)
It-tim diga' kellu esperjenza f'missjoni bhal din fl-Albanija, in-Nigeria u issa l-Kenya.
Barra dan, l-Isqof Paul qed jitlobna jekk nistghux nghinuh biex jibni binja li fiha jistghu jghixu tfal abbandunati, orfni, li bhalissa qed jghixu kollha flimkien fi klassi!
Qed norganizzaw diversi fund-raising activities.
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