Showing posts with label Meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meeting. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Media Reports

Doctors, nurses, engineers, builders and a family of four are among the 35 Maltese volunteers who will be heading

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Meeting with Dr Joseph Muscat

The meeting we had today with Dr Joseph Muscat  at Castille went extremely well. On behalf of all the team of Kenya Mission International 2013, I would like to thank Dr Joseph Muscat  for giving us an opportunity to meet him and for expressing his appreciation and support. 

Fr Colin

Saturday, 27 July 2013 - F'isem il-PN, Simon Busuttil juri l-apprezzament tiegħu għal dan il-ġest

F'isem il-PN, Simon Busuttil juri l-apprezzament tiegħu għal dan il-ġest

Rebecca BORG23 ta' Lulju, 2013  13:43 CET
Bejn l-20 t'Awwissu u s-7 ta' Settembru, 35 voluntier ta' bejn it-13 u l-75 sena, se jibdew missjoni ta' 18-il ġurnata l-Kenja. Is-slogan ta' dan il-grupp missjunarju hu 'I am because WE ARE' għaliex fil-kultura Afrikana, it-tifsira ta' 'I' hija dedjjem f'relazzjoni ma' sens aktar kollettiv.    - Continue Reading full Article on

Monday, 22 July 2013

Meeting with Dr Simon Busuttil

The meeting we had today with Dr Simon Busuttil went extremely well. On behalf of all the team of Kenya Mission International 2013, I would like to thank Dr Simon Busuttil for giving us an opportunity to meet him and for his appreciation and support. 

Fr Colin

Monday, 8 July 2013

The President of Malta, Dr George Abela, meets KENYA MISSION INTERNATIONAL

The President of Malta, Dr George Abela, meets KENYA MISSION INTERNATIONAL of MOVIMENT ERA GDIDA.

Dr Abela talked personally to each of the 35 volunteers who will go to Embu, Kenya, in August 2013.

Each Team of engineers, doctors, nurses, students, builders, housewives presented their concrete Projects they will undertake. The Medical Team will be working in hospitals, clinics and visit poor families. 

The Engineering Team are assembling a prototype of WaterPurification System, with the help of hydrologist MARCO CREMONA, to cater the needs of a whole village in need of clean potable water. 

The Educational/Social Team will be working in various schools and parishes. The Builders Team will begin work on a dormitory for orphans.
The Kenya Mission International Team 2013 before the meeting with President Of  Malta, H.E. DR. George Abela