Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Building of Orphanage in Embu

We are moving....

Awaiting for the Bishop's reply...

This is a tough job but we will do it, God's willing.

Let everyone give his contribution so we can enough funds that these dreams come true. 

Even those who are not seen are given too their contribution to our projects. I talked to some of you and I am impressed how many hidden acts of love each one of you is doing, how many sacrifices, how many overtime, how many doing the work of others to be able to be present in Embu, how many went out of their way to do car washing, prepare the food, going on TV and radio even thought they felt ashamed and incompetent but they went out of their way to deliver the Message of Hope....and we can see the results of media exposure.....doing their best in silence....

Fr Colin 

This below is an email from Michael Attard sent to Bishop Paul.

Dear Bishop Paul ,

I hope you are fine !

We have now started our countdown to our mission in Embu. Everyone here is making every effort to give as much as it takes for the love of Christ , his Church , for the people of Embu and for each other.
In our weakness we tend to forget that there is One who is looking over us and we are now worrying that we will not deliver what we planned.

However our plans are real and I am sharing with you here our vision for the orphanage which should give care for the immediate and future needs of the children.
I have made some research on the costings and I am also attaching a summary of the costs to build the orphanage on the land you have acquired. I am not sure how actual these figures are.

As Fr.Colin had mentioned our plan was to bring with us around 15,000 € which we are still in the process of collecting through our fund raising activities.
However , this sum would not be enough to have the building completed.

Can you please advise if building half of the building would still suit your orphanage needs. Also if we can prepare the foundations of all the building area and build now only a room or two making it possible to continue the building at a later stage if your Diocese can finance its’ completion. I have also sent these plans to John to direct me on the costs involved and whether there is an local government funding which the Diocese can benefit of but I am still awaiting his reply.

We would like to know what you wish us to do to make our stay in Embu fruitful.

Bless me

I am because we are !


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