Monday, 22 July 2013

UPDATE - by Fr Colin on the car wash

I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to the Car Wash that was organised yesterday in Qawra. It was another occasion to live and work together as a TEAM.

PHOTOS - Arti Fil-Berah 2013

Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi  ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.

Saturday, 20 July 2013


That's another reason why KENYA MISSION INTERNATIONAL are going to Embu...Among other Projects we are erecting a WATER PURIFICATION PLANT by our Maltese volunteers during August 2013. Can you help us to do more? Please feel free to phone me 00 356 7999 14 59 OR enter our website  Kenya Mission International 2013


CAR WASH - Sunday 21st July Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra - From 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sunday 21st July 
Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra

10:00 am - 8:00 pm

View Larger Map

Fr Colin's update

Yesterday's Mass of Thanksgiving for the Anniversary of my Priesthood, and the Pasta Night was very well-attended, about 100+, and they tell me we collected about 1,500 euros. 

Minimum effort, maximum results?

I wished that all the Kenya Mission International Group would have been there. It would have been another occasion to build a family spirit among us (and that's the only, unique value we have to take to Kenya - not work, not projects, but a sense of the family: I am because we are....UBUNTU)

It would be very very useful to send all the activities we do to Michael Caffari <> who is taking care of our website. It is up-to-date, very professional and comes from a very dedicated person who loves God and his fellow men/women!)

This evening I am invited to celebrate Mass at the Caravan people behind the Splash and Fun complex. Those who wish to join me are very welcome not only to relax and be invited by several families who are eager to know more about our Mission in Kenya, but because of the opportunity we have to share our vision of Kenya with as many people as possible. 

I appreciate the various initiatives we take. But I appreciate more when we support each other's initiatives. Some take part heart and soul in  really impressive time-consuming initiatives. But others? And you? We are one family and we have to present ourselves as one family. But that depend's on what choices we have made. 

Fr Colin