Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Fr Colin's Update
My dearest friends,
Allow me to call you dear friends, because to find a friend is to find a treasure. And I have found you, each of you, and i thank you for allowing me to be your friend.
I was preoccupied, to tell you the truth, because I see too much preoccupation by some members about things that are made important but are not important. I did not know how to express myself clearly so not to make someone be taken aback and next time would think it twice to talk clearly about his concerns. As I was thinking about this I received the wonderful explanatory letter from the Bishop himself. He addressed practically all the questions we were asking.
I was 100% sure, without doubt, that this would be the case. From the very beginning.
Martha and Mary, in last week's liturgy, is an emphasis of two ways at seeing life. I hope, with the Spirituality Team, with Deborah, we can deepen this reality.
Kenya is NOT doing work with the children, the families or building buildings. All these will pass. Maybe after some years they won't even remember us.
But what remains is the love we put in whatever we are assigned to do.
Everyone has his own plans and wishes....but it's more important to 'lose' these plans and wishes to be able to be free to discover new visions and new dreams.
Those of us who will be tied up to their own plans will find it difficult to make the real experience of Kenya.
If I may add a personal anecdote. This is the fourth time i have been doing mission group volunteering. The main difficulty is always the same: relationships. All the speakers who came to talk to us emphasized just one single thing: unity. I do remember on several occasions that members come but when they meet obstacles they would create cliques, excluding others, and being always with the same persons whom they feel comfortable with. To the extent that this happens - our Mission will be a flop (no matter how grandiose things we do),
But unity depends on each one of us.
There will be mistakes...and it is when we are aware of the mistakes around us that we prove unity. It's easy to be united when everything will run smooth.
But it's not realistic to expect 35 strongly-opinionated individuals to live together for 20 days in a foreign country with weather conditionings to run all smooth and serene.
Life is difficult.
And so will be our experience.
The seed won't give fruit unless it dies.
If the seed remains a seed to be itself it will never make fruits.
We are called to give fruits....
But not everyone is ready to pay the price....
Are you?
PS All I ask of you is to remember me as loving you.
Kariuki Njiru Paul <> wrote:
Hello Fr Colin Apap. How are you? How is your team? I wish you success in your final tasks in preparation for your mission in EMBU Kenya.
Be assured that I and the local community we will give the project of orphans maximum support. Currently it is not possible to say how much the whole project will cost but Divine Providence is always there for the needs of the poor ones of God. I Haven't seen the plan yet and I request you to resend it again.
Concerning the place and security. I formed a team that is busy preparing for the place where the entire team will stay. They will also organise for the transport to the places of work. The security is our first priority and some members our team will stay with your team too.
The electricity is there. For health reasons the water for drinking we shall buy the certified bottled water. For cooking and washing we shall use the ordinary pipe water. Internet you shall use the local sim cards for internet. Those who have lap tops, iPad or Tablets should carry them for they can use them comfortably for internet.
About a presentation in the TV here in Kenya they demand that we buy airtime which costly to engage in but we can invite them to cover some of the works and interview team members. Where you will stay will be 24 hours guarded.
Once again be assured of my maximum support. I am very passionate about the home for the orphans a place that will guarantee them a place to stay and have their education without interruption.
I look forward for a very successful mission in Kenya in all the areas you will work. In the hospital, in the health centers, in the parishes, and if possible in the schools. I am sure that your team will appreciate very much their mission in Kenya. May the Mother of all missionaries, The of Jesus, accompany you in your preparations.
God bless you all.
Fr Colin,
Kariuki Njiru Paul,
Meeting with Dr Joseph Muscat
The meeting we had today with Dr Joseph Muscat at Castille went extremely well. On behalf of all the team of Kenya Mission International 2013, I would like to thank Dr Joseph Muscat for giving us an opportunity to meet him and for expressing his appreciation and support.
Fr Colin
Fr Colin
My motivation to be part of Kenya Mission Internatioanal: Mildred
"And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me”" - Mark 10:21.
I have always been quite the dreamer and going on a mission particularly in Kenya has been one of my biggest dreams for many years now.
Being a Kindergarten teacher, children hold a special place in my heart. Most of our children in Malta are blessed with so many opportunities and experiences, so why not share our blessings with others, near and far, who need it? It is very painful to know that somewhere, children as well as adults are at risk of maltreatment, malnutrition and many other forms of suffering.
Being one of the so-called 'lucky ones' myself, living a relatively effortless life with food in my fridge and a roof over my head makes me nothing but part of an extremely unbalanced world.
I have realised that it is my duty to help others who, simply for geographical reasons, lead a much more difficult everyday life than I do. I have realised that I am among the 25% of the world's richest because I have clothes on my back and a place to sleep. I have realised that I am luckier than millions of people who suffer starvation. I have realised that it is now time to stop wishing and start doing. God has blessed me with this opportunity to go to Embu, Kenya this August and I have no other aim than that to do whatever I can to make people happier.
Being my very first experience of the sort, I do worry sometimes that it might get too hard for me and I still ask many questions as to what to expect. But then I remember what one of my biggest inspirations used to say: "God doesn't require us to succeed. He only requires that you try" (Mother Theresa) and that is all I need to keep moving forward.
I do believe that the people in Embu will have as much to give me as I will give to them, if not more. From this experience I am looking forward to learning two beautiful lessons in life: that of appreciating the simple things in life and the other of loving others unconditionally.
Fr Colin,
Mother Theresa,
Building of Orphanage in Embu
We are moving....
Awaiting for the Bishop's reply...
This is a tough job but we will do it, God's willing.
Let everyone give his contribution so we can enough funds that these dreams come true.
Even those who are not seen are given too their contribution to our projects. I talked to some of you and I am impressed how many hidden acts of love each one of you is doing, how many sacrifices, how many overtime, how many doing the work of others to be able to be present in Embu, how many went out of their way to do car washing, prepare the food, going on TV and radio even thought they felt ashamed and incompetent but they went out of their way to deliver the Message of Hope....and we can see the results of media exposure.....doing their best in silence....
Fr Colin
This below is an email from Michael Attard sent to Bishop Paul.
Dear Bishop Paul ,
I hope you are fine !
We have now started our countdown to our mission in Embu. Everyone here is making every effort to give as much as it takes for the love of Christ , his Church , for the people of Embu and for each other.
In our weakness we tend to forget that there is One who is looking over us and we are now worrying that we will not deliver what we planned.
However our plans are real and I am sharing with you here our vision for the orphanage which should give care for the immediate and future needs of the children.
I have made some research on the costings and I am also attaching a summary of the costs to build the orphanage on the land you have acquired. I am not sure how actual these figures are.
As Fr.Colin had mentioned our plan was to bring with us around 15,000 € which we are still in the process of collecting through our fund raising activities.
However , this sum would not be enough to have the building completed.
Can you please advise if building half of the building would still suit your orphanage needs. Also if we can prepare the foundations of all the building area and build now only a room or two making it possible to continue the building at a later stage if your Diocese can finance its’ completion. I have also sent these plans to John to direct me on the costs involved and whether there is an local government funding which the Diocese can benefit of but I am still awaiting his reply.
We would like to know what you wish us to do to make our stay in Embu fruitful.
Bless me
I am because we are !
Monday, 29 July 2013
Why I'm part of Kenya Mission International - Franca |
You asked us to write why we have chosen to join your team which will be doing missionary work in Kenya.
Although I always thought highly of anyone who gave up his free time to do missionary work abroad I never came across an opportunity until you approached me. I accepted.
I wish to have the opportunity to make a difference (even if minimal) in someone else's life; I wish to share with others that which God has given me; I wish to make new friends (besides the ones in our team) be they children, adults or old people.
All I wish to get in return is their smile.
Now that I have made contact with Sr Florence I wish to support the great work that she and Bishop Paul are doing in Embu.
I am looking forward to going there to work wholeheartedly and to return happier than I left.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
My motivation: Daniela
Daniela Smith
I am a 27 year old female, currently working as a staff nurse at St James Hospital in Sliema. As a nurse for the past 4 years, I am fulfilling my dreams by using my nursing skills to help the sick and make a difference in people’s lives.
As far back as I can remember, from a very young age, I have always wanted to fulfil one of my dreams/wishes; that is to travel to a less fortunate country and carry out voluntary work amongst children and adults.
My main aim as a voluntary missionary worker in Africa will definitely be to continue using my skills amongst the sick, helping others face everyday challenges and most of all to hopefully leave an impact in the lives of others by leaving a smile on their face.
I am not expecting a comfortable and easy environment but I am prepared for hard work; which will give me an insight into how these people live and what sacrifices they have to make to get through their everyday life.
I am hoping that this will be a life long experience for me, helping me appreciate my life and the people around me, teaching me humility as well as giving me a good idea of how the rest of the world goes through their daily live without the everyday comforts that most people take for granted.
Last but not least, I am prepared to give my utmost, making this experience a one to remember; both for me, as well as for all the people I meet, who I know will definitely touch my heart.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
PHOTOS - JCC Enterprises Car Wash - Saturday 27 July 2013
These are some photos of the Car Wash at JCC Enterprises. I would like to thank EVERYONE who in some manner contributed to this Event. It was hard work in the scorching sun , but it was WORTH IT !
Kenya Mission International 2013 would like to thank JCC Enterprises for lending us their car washing facilities in support of this fund raising activity. Fr Colin - F'isem il-PN, Simon Busuttil juri l-apprezzament tiegħu għal dan il-ġest
F'isem il-PN, Simon Busuttil juri l-apprezzament tiegħu għal dan il-ġest | |
Bejn l-20 t'Awwissu u s-7 ta' Settembru, 35 voluntier ta' bejn it-13 u l-75 sena, se jibdew missjoni ta' 18-il ġurnata l-Kenja. Is-slogan ta' dan il-grupp missjunarju hu 'I am because WE ARE' għaliex fil-kultura Afrikana, it-tifsira ta' 'I' hija dedjjem f'relazzjoni ma' sens aktar kollettiv. - Continue Reading full Article on
An inspiring African proverb
A meaningful African proverb, much in line with the philosophy behind the mission statement of Kenya Mission International 2013 - I am because we are.
Thanks to Mildred for submitting the photo.
Fr Colin
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
EMBU KENYA PARTY at Victor's Restaurant, MARSAXLOKK @ 7 pm
at Victor's Restaurant, MARSAXLOKK
Time: 7 pm
Price: 12 euro
Full Maltese Menu
Bring your friends too...and a big big smile.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
CAR WASH for Kenya at JCC Enterprises Car Repairing & Service, Car Washing & Valeting
Dr Simon Busuttil meets the Team of Kenya Mission International 2013
Monday, 22 July 2013
The Projects of Kenya Mission International
An initial visit to Embu was made by Fr. John from the mission office who met Bishop Paul of the Diocese of Embu earlier this year. Bishop Paul indicated the needs of his people namely to supply safe drinking water to about 600 people in a 2sq. km area including schools and community and the need of a building for children who are orphans. This will house around twenty children initially.
Bishop Paul has bought 2 acres of land which will be used for building this orphanage.
Our team of 35 consists of:
1. Medical Team – three doctors and six paramedics, physiotherapist and nurses - Lead by Dr.Josie Muscat from St.James Hospital
2. Engineering Team – four engineers and two technicians lead by Michael Attard ( and locally by engineers Marco Cremona and Paul Refalo who are assisting)
3. Social Team – teachers , counselling , university students, workers
4. Builders
The funds will be used to purchase the required material and to pay local workers which will be employed to build the building.
This will be owned and run by the Catholic Diocese of Embu (Bishop Paul Kariuki Bishop of Embu - Kariuki Njiru Paul
We are also being assisted by ECOSPACE CONSULTANTS in Nairobi to coordinate the information required on this project and on a water purification plant which will be built by our engineers.
The building will be built by local workers. Also the water purification plant will be built together with local people in order that they participate and take ownership.
The project of the building will be starting during our stay and will be finished in a 2-3 month period.
Our team of engineers will complete the installation and commissioning of the water purification plant during our stay in Embu. The cost for the equipment will be in the range of 10,000€.
We already have an ultra filtration unit which will be used to block any bacteria and pathogens from the water and make it into safe potable water. We also need to install an Ultra Violet unit as a backup system in case of ultra filtration unit failure. Our plan is to have the system running on an off-grid Photo voltaic system for which we have already several promises for equipment donations.
We have also signed an agreement with Malta University for the use of a water desalination unit which developed from research activity sponsored by the Malta Council of Science & Technology.
These are passive (no need of energy) desalination units which can be used in remote areas where there is water which however is not safe for drinking.
We are building one unit which we will take with us and we plan to teach local people how to build such units. This could develop into a business set up for these units to be sold to local communities in remote regions.
Meeting with Dr Simon Busuttil
The meeting we had today with Dr Simon Busuttil went extremely well. On behalf of all the team of Kenya Mission International 2013, I would like to thank Dr Simon Busuttil for giving us an opportunity to meet him and for his appreciation and support.
Fr Colin
Fr Colin
UPDATE - by Fr Colin on the car wash
I would like to thank everyone that has contributed to the Car Wash that was organised yesterday in Qawra. It was another occasion to live and work together as a TEAM.
PHOTOS - Arti Fil-Berah 2013
Nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Gunju, il-Kumitat Kulturali fi ħdan il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsakala organizza attivita’ taht l-isem ta’ , ‘Arti fil-Beraħ’. Din hi wahda mill-attivitajiet Kulturali, u annwali li jorganizza il-Kunsill ta' Marsaskala.
Fr Colin,
Fund Raising,
Marsskaala Local Council,
Sunday, 21 July 2013
PHOTOS - Pasta Night for Kenya , Friday 19th July 013
Fund Raising,
Pasta Night,
Saturday, 20 July 2013
That's another reason why KENYA MISSION INTERNATIONAL are going to Embu...Among other Projects we are erecting a WATER PURIFICATION PLANT by our Maltese volunteers during August 2013. Can you help us to do more? Please feel free to phone me 00 356 7999 14 59 OR enter our website Kenya Mission International 2013
CAR WASH - Sunday 21st July Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra - From 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday 21st July
Bugibba Car Park in front of the Santana Hotel, Qawra
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
View Larger Map
Fr Colin's update
Yesterday's Mass of Thanksgiving for the Anniversary of my Priesthood, and the Pasta Night was very well-attended, about 100+, and they tell me we collected about 1,500 euros.
Minimum effort, maximum results?
I wished that all the Kenya Mission International Group would have been there. It would have been another occasion to build a family spirit among us (and that's the only, unique value we have to take to Kenya - not work, not projects, but a sense of the family: I am because we are....UBUNTU)
It would be very very useful to send all the activities we do to Michael Caffari <> who is taking care of our website. It is up-to-date, very professional and comes from a very dedicated person who loves God and his fellow men/women!)
This evening I am invited to celebrate Mass at the Caravan people behind the Splash and Fun complex. Those who wish to join me are very welcome not only to relax and be invited by several families who are eager to know more about our Mission in Kenya, but because of the opportunity we have to share our vision of Kenya with as many people as possible.
I appreciate the various initiatives we take. But I appreciate more when we support each other's initiatives. Some take part heart and soul in really impressive time-consuming initiatives. But others? And you? We are one family and we have to present ourselves as one family. But that depend's on what choices we have made.
Fr Colin
Fr Colin,
Fund Raising,
Thursday, 18 July 2013
An update on the Pasta Night - particularly about the chef and the Menu !
Let's all of us make an extraordinary effort to reach one hundred guests....we need them not so much because of the money (yes, also) but because we want to make this occasion another excuse to be together and build a deeper relationship among us (MT18:20) which goes beyond the 3 plates we will eat....
FRIDAY, 19th July 2013 at 7.00 pm at Agenzija Zghazagh, Sta Venera,
At 8 pm we begin the PASTA's impressive the names on the menu...I hope Martin, the chef, will live up to the expectations.... :-)
Farfalle con Tango Country.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Penne Norma
Brusketta about 4 pieces each, 1 drink and a piece of cake.
For the Price of 10 Euros
Watch Michael cooking during the Favourite TV Programme BEJNIETNA L-HBIEB with some Kenya volunteer teams ....
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
An appreciation and an appeal
I was impressed this morning with MARGARET MARMARA' who never was on radio, is afraid of the camera, and yet this morning she did two radio programmes with me to promote our Projects.
We need to collect 15,000 Euros...we have to do our part so we succeed. If we don't succeed I have NO problem at all - as long as in my conscience I could say that We, all of us, have done our part.
We have been organizing various activities (Trade Fair, media, football tournament, Fiera at M'Skala, etc etc).
I wish to propose to you, each one of us, how many of these activities did I give my contribution, my time, my talents....
Some of us have gone out of their way to serve .... facing people, begging them, so we can get the funds...AND YOU?
Fr Colin
Monday, 15 July 2013
My friends wanted to give me a surprise for my Ordination anniversary - a yearly event! But when I came to know about the organization of the fiesta I told them that for this year I prefer if we do everything for KENYA.
So I appreciate that you come not only to thank God for the anniversary of my priesthood (we were 50 priests ordained together for the 50th anniversary of the Bishop, a unique occasion) but also to be together and invite as many friends as possible.
At 7 pm there will be a simple Mass of Thanksgiving and afterwards (around 8 pm) we will begin the PASTA NIGHT SPECIAL with a choice of THREE colourful tasty pastas.....prepared by the inimitable CHEF Martin Fenech (every mother has them, we know)
I appreciate if we can make this occasion a very good fund-raising activity. We still have to fund the activities we will do at Embu, Kenya.
I take this occasion to THANK YOU for all that you do for Kenyan children especially!FRIDAY, 19th July 2013 at 7.00 pm at Agenzija Zghazagh, Sta Venera,
(Main Road, Hamrun, near Centru Hidma Socjali, in front of Umberto Calosso Str., Hamrun)
Fund Raising,
Pasta Night,
Fund Raising for Embu, Kenya - Help us raise funds !
Fund Raising for Embu, Kenya
Help us raise funds to support:
- Building an orphanage dormitory
- Setting up of a water purification plant for disease-free water
- Setting up a solar powered panels for reliable electricity
- Buying school supplies for the new orphanage.
Please make a donation today, every gift really does make a difference.
Deposit your donation
BOV Acc 40021733921
HSBC Acc 042177162001
Contact Fr.Colin Apap: 79991459
Fund Raising,
solar energy,
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Pasta Night - Il- Gimgha 19 ta’Lulju 2013 fis -7.00 pm
Pasta Night
Il- Gimgha 19 ta’Lulju 2013 fis -7.00 pm
Post: Il - Gnien tal- Agenzija Zghazagh , St Joseph High Road, Hamrun
Ghazla ta’ tlett tipi ta’ Pasta
Tista’ tghinna biex tbiegh il-biljetti ta’ l-ikla?
Il Qliegh kollu ser jmur ghall-Kenya.
Contact: Robert Formosa 99895888
Fr Colin on Mob 79991459
Ghazla ta’ tlett tipi ta’ Pasta
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